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Feeling stressed and out of balance?
Admin Manager Mar 12, 2024 31

Feeling stressed and out of balance?

Healthy Care Australia has launched its inaugural Take Care Report which highlights, as we head into the holiday season, that Australians are desperately seeking a break from stress. This comes off the back of Australians crediting December as the most stressful month of the year.

Compared to pre-COVID-19 restrictions, more than half of Australians are finding it harder to focus on individual tasks (55%) or are under more family and household stress (51%).

Parents in particular have been hit the hardest when it comes to stress and focus in 2020, with two thirds (67%) of parents of young children (under 17 years old) finding it harder to focus on individual tasks compared to pre-COVID-19.

When it comes to our causes of stress, COVID-19, finances, home balance and sleep are our main concerns and nearly half (46%) of Australians are stressed by the uncertainties of the global pandemic.

For Australians, home overload may play a critical role in feeling out of balance, with 82% feeling their lives are less balanced compared to pre-COVID restrictions.

Jacqueline Alwill, an accredited nutritionist and Healthy Care partner, believes that now more than ever, Australians have the opportunity to recalibrate and arm themselves with the support to tackle the most stressful month of the year.

“Obviously stresses like COVID-19, finances and working from home is something we can’t control, however we can arm our bodies to be as ready and prepared for stress as possible. I actually believe that as a nation we should pay more attention to our mind health.
